I just married a wonderful man who lives in Palatine and yes, I moved in with him. With this economy you can't exactly sell anything! So, we're renting out my condo. You'd think "How exciting! A new place to use my talents as an Interior Designer!". Well, true, but Craig has his own ideas!! I really want to redo his master bath shower because I'm pretty sure it's only 2.5' x 2.5' and needs to be bigger. I can't shave my legs... But, let's not TMI this thing to death!
I did get Craig to tell me that his sitting room furniture isn't something he feels "married" to. Today, I'm sitting here, in my running clothes since 8am and still haven't gone running. However - I did think of some great ideas for the deck and the sitting room (yes the two spaces are related in this case!) as I looked out the kitchen window at my laptop blogging....
Okay - so Craig has this great big deck! And he recently got it rebuilt and stained (I know - I helped him stain it) and just in time for the wedding, I might tell you. And the party he had the night before the wedding. Which by the way, ended up being WAY more fun and important than I originally thought. Our family and friends were able to sit and enjoy each other and meet the other side in a casual setting. Craig is a smart guy... I digress.
I've been wanting to put a cool low table with cushions around it outside the sliding deck doors. This will allow it to still look like a nice big deck and have a way to utilize this portion. However, it was utilized quite well when we had 100 people at the party! And it will be great for being able to look out side the sliding doors or kitchen windows and see across the yard.
Sans the silk flowers.
Come on! Don't you agree how cool this could be? I can use my stone 3x3 coasters here.
Next, Craig has this sofa table that matches this coffee table. I am going to set it against the house wall between the sliding doors and the kitchen bay windows in this spot...
I would like to put the mirror to the right of the kitchen bay window here. The sofa table is to the left of this bay window. I'd love to switch these but the meter man would not be too happy with having to get under the sofa table to check the meters. Don't wanna anger the meter man.
NOW, for the gazebo. This is an awesome space for us because we can sit there even when raining. Craig grills there when it's raining or snowing since it is sheltered by the cedar roof. Inspired by a Chicago Porch I saw last week or so, I would like to enhance it using cheap sheer curtains from KMart or such a place.
Here is my inspiration - a Chicago Porch in Wrigleyville; The gazebo in Palatine will look so romantic: